| 1. | This specificity probably resided in the sequence of base pairs along the molecules . 这种专一性可能寄寓在分子的碱基对顺序之中。
| 2. | There are three million base pairs in human dna 人类基因组中有30亿个基对。
| 3. | Polynucleotide chains and base pairs 聚核苷酸链和双基座
| 4. | Conventional sequencers evaluate about 1 , 000 base pairs at a time 传统定序仪一次约只能评估1000个碱基对。
| 5. | Conjugate acid - base pairs 共轭酸碱对
| 6. | Conjugate acid - base pair 共轭酸碱对
| 7. | Base pairing mistake 碱基配对错误
| 8. | Wobble base pair 不稳定配对
| 9. | The base pair ratio , at : gc , is constant within a species but differs between species At : gc之间的碱基比具有种内特异性,但在不同种之间往往是不同的。
| 10. | Sequencing dna has come down in price by half annually , from $ 10 per base pair in 1990 to under a penny today 资讯科技通常不要一年,价格表现比和产能就会增加一倍。